Welcome to Indoor Air Programs! Innovative and adaptive mold detection and IAQ investigations.
Indoor Air Programs is located in the Cincinnati OH area and is available to travel and/or provide virtual services.
Our IAQ Process
Indoor Air Programs offers specific processes adapted from traditional industrial hygiene practices to assess the potential risks of mold, biological contaminants, IAQ contaminants, and/or odor investigations. These processes, or IAP Analytics, are designed to characterize the environment in relation to the client perspective of human health. In other words, the client perspective of human health is a primary component of the IAP Analytics.
The perspective of human health and the pursuit of “healthy” varies considerably amongst individuals. Protection of human health is not adaptive, non-negotiable, and the basic component of IAP Analytics. It is a minimum standard in which we expect our clients value the lives of others. Many people optimize their health and willing to invest resources to enhance their health. Others may have different circumstances. IAP Analytics adaptive process maximizes our clients’ resources in reference to their perspective of human health.
IAQ Expertise
Expertise in IAQ requires knowledge of chemistry, biology, physics, environmental health sciences, building science, forensic application techniques, and psychology. Though a visual inspection doesn’t sound that technical, there is a tremendous amount of science involved with mold detection and IAQ work. Hiring a “mold inspector” that doesn’t have the educational background may certainly perform basic mold inspections but cannot consult on the possible exposures or oversee complex remediation efforts. Hiring a mold inspector will likely not interpret basic mold spore trap analysis as they are likely not qualified to interpret the results.
Traditional Industrial Hygiene practice is broad in scope focusing on the identification and assessment of occupational risks. Risks can include chemicals, physical safety, and noise pollution, just to name a few. Industrial Hygienists must have a broad background of sciences to perform their work and thus make competent IAQ professionals. However, Industrial Hygienist are experts at traditional risk assessments in the workplace and the attempt to provide a traditional risk assessment for mold is futile, though in many cases, expected. Indoor Air Programs specializes only in indoor air related projects and though experience has created the specific perspective matching process to align the two components of all IAQ work. The environmental conditions and the client’s perspective on human health. By dedicating continual education, diagnostic equipment, and innovation, Indoor Air Programs can adapt to assist with simple and the most complex projects. Overcomplicating simple projects wastes resources. Complex cases need logical decision making and project oversight.

If you have a concern about your indoor air quality or mold, or want to optimize your indoor air quality, we would love to discuss how we can be of service. We can assist you in person or virtually.